Use these tricks to get better search results:
OR: Use OR between multiple search words to find different spellings or terms for the same topic, e.g. Engelseck OR Engelsegg. This will give you results that contain either "Engelseck" or "Engelsegg".
AND NOT: Use AND NOT between multiple search terms to exclude certain terms, e.g. Richter AND NOT Stadtrichter. This will give you results on "Richter", but not on "Stadtrichter".
" ": Enclose search words or phrases in quotation marks to find exact word combinations, e.g.: "Schloss Dorf an der Enns" OR "Schloss Dorf/Enns". This will give you results with the exact wording.
*: Use an asterisk to find multiple variations of a word, e.g. Bürermeister*. This search form finds words such as "Bürgermeister", "Bürgermeistereid", "Bürgermeisterin" and "Bürgermeisterwahl".
?: Use a question mark in words where a single letter may vary, e.g. Bürger?orps. This search form can find "Bürgerkorps" as well as "Bürgercorps".
Further operators to improve the search can be found in the atom project documentation: